How This Blog Began . . . Several Years Ago.

The Time Keepers Journal is just because I had to quickly come up with some name on the spot. Originally my first website was “The Big Beat” which was also used by some other more professional sites focusing on drums and drummers, and that is what the “The Big Beat” and initially my thinking with “The Time Keepers Journal was also, but the drummer is often referred to as the Time Keeper, the drummer keeps time, he plays time etc. Not a great name, but it was the best I could do to get something up and getting a message out with.  I could always start over with a new name or expand out into something else. 

I also set up a 2nd site using the same name with Wordpress another free site, but I’ve only done a few things on it and I almost never update it.  I’ve toyed with the option of getting a web hosting account with some provider, but until I have a name that seems worthy to register and of building into a unique domain name and a real brand, I’m just using it to generate content and learn from.  Everything can be re-written and re-used again at any site when I’m ready to take a different approach.  I still have some Big Beat content that I could update and reuse at some point.

Since my interests are so wide, more than just drumming, I had to choose something that seemed less specific than something like” Jeff the drummer” blog. (Stupid is as stupid does.) I need to have flexibility in the content. I’ve investigated monetizing the site at some point but haven’t felt ready to take that step yet. Ads are one way to generate income, but I hate sites that are just click bait for generating ad cash. Another thing is to have something to sell too. Something to promote beyond my own idiotic opinions on things. Anybody can do that, I guess.

Yawn … I must sleep, I’m getting very sleepy, I’m entering into hypnosis now. In the morning I’ll wake up fully refreshed and fully alive ready to be creative at a high level. I’m getting sleepier now, sleep, sleeeeep, sleeeeeeeeeep, snzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
