One Hundred Books. This is a short list of 100 books I have read, listed here in no particular order.
My One Word by Mike Ashcraft and Rachel Olsen.
Here's a short review that I wrote at that time: Great idea. Provides a simple tool that, if properly applied, will be very effective for self-reflection and motivational change. This one-year program can be repeated yearly with the goal of new change and growth in each perspective every year. I'm still deciding on my own One Word for this year, but I look forward to the experience and discoveries I'll make over the next year. I have the Kindle e-book version.
My Word that year was Finish, precisely what I did. I finished some major projects and tied up many loose ends for the many items on my plate. It was a way of focusing my energies, time, and efforts. The book has plenty of examples of words the authors have chosen and used over several years and how each Word has uniquely brought things together for them and helped them learn things they needed for their ongoing achievements and goals.
The practice of naming and focusing on one Word each year is most effective when the time is also taken to journal about that One Word and what it means to you as you go through your year. Then after journaling and looking back on what has been learned and written regarding the One Word over time, one gains a specific personal perspective. Then each time you hear one of those words on your list, there is an even greater depth of meaning than ever before.
Having read this short e-book a few years ago, it has now become a yearly ritual to identify my own one Word for the upcoming year. I still need to pick out my new Word, but it will be soon. I mean soon in the sense that I will choose a word and maybe even "SOON" as my Word for the year. I have several projects that I am working on, and I hope to complete many of them very "SOON."
So that is it. I'll know for sure very "SOON."
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