100 Books - Tribe of Mentors

One Hundred Books. This is a short list of 100 books I have read, listed here in no particular order.

Tribe of Mentors by Timothy Ferris

I found Tribe of Mentors by Timothy Ferriss to be precisely what it claimed to be, "Short Life Advice from the Best in the World."  

Well, let's say from some of the best in the world. 

I truly enjoyed reading the e-book version on the Kindle and zipped right through it. It wasn't a simple, quick read, but it was filled with great advice from many leaders from various business and life disciplines. 

The book is structured into short questionnaires with subsequent answers from some highly successful leaders from various fields. The most encouraging thing was that many solutions consisted of daily habits or goals and ways of living that I adopted while venturing through my self-improvement journey. Some of the responses could be more varied, as many people report practicing some form of meditation, and many tend to use similar methods. But it was interesting to note that some of the routine practices were consistent from a wide variety of people, all sharing various goals and plans to obtain those goals. 

In one sense, most people share the same goals, to be healthy, wealthy, and wise, but only some seek the exact definition of success in each area. The understanding I gained from reading these back-to-back responses to some similar questions is that each person's definition of success, or even what it means, may vary widely. 

Many of the respondents are in some ways more successful than I have ever been or will ever be, but at the same time, no matter what level we are at in our lives and businesses, there are better ways to do things. There are higher goals we can achieve. These questions and answers show that my path is as valid as any of those listed here. Even though I may never attain the same heights and levels of success as others, I can still excel in my own walk of life. Each of us is still unique, and we need help to fill the role that we fulfill in life, which is as it should be. 

Timothy Ferris has included a wealth of additional content in the form of links to podcasts, websites, and other valuable material, making it worth much higher than the cost of admission. I've read this book once and will reread many of the areas. Your mileage may vary, but I found it highly useful and filled with personal inspiration. 
